Ahed’s Story

Ahed grew up between Morocco, Jordan and Syria; but it’s Morocco “that will always be special in [their] heart, and that’s where [they] feel homesick for”.  Speaking about their childhood bedroom, they tell me how it was “full of teddies, with Disney bedsheets and curtains” – even though it was “too much stuff – I […]

Lydia’s Story

“My idea of home over the years has not changed – it’s always been safety, peace and love. I still look for that”, Club member Lydia told us.  At home in Lagos, family dinner was every night – “it was a big thing growing up. We always made sure we had dinner together”. Her father […]

Imran’s Story

For this year’s #refugeeweek, we’re celebrating the theme of #ourhome, inviting three of our members to share their stories of what home means to them and how Say It Loud Club helped them to find it. For LGBTQ+ refugees arriving in the UK, Say It Loud Club offers a community where our members can thrive […]